
Is our Offering to the World


To be in the service, is to do so without any interest of gain for self. No gain on any level; physical, emotional or psychological. No need of thanks, recognition, approval, validation. Service is not paying off a debt. Just because you have shared your time and service with me does not mean that I in return or ‘owe’ anything to you. I know, challenging!

Being of service in essence is a positive recognition of the other. There is a correspondence between asking for help and helping others. Asking for help makes you visible. It puts you in the picture and includes you in the world. Helping others is to acknowledge their existence and include them in your world and the world. Asking for help gives others the chance to be helpful. It is a sense of we, not me. And service towards each other strengthens the connections and links between each other.

A pure service attitude cannot happen truthfully without selfcare and self discipline. Aligning with our own self, our needs, and an inner loyalty to our visions. We need to know first and foremost what we can give, before we can give, so we do so with the entirety of our being and avoid falling trap to resentment, feelings of obligation, or guilt for not doing more than what you can. In this stage of collaboration, or when we find ourselves in positions of service we will often be shown our attachments, and our reaction patterns (physical, emotional and mental). We will be reflected back where we hold resentment, the parts of us that feel we are doing too much, or judge ourselves for not doing enough. An amazing opportunity to find the gold, in where it is we need to attend to ourselves better.

And further more why compassion remains key, as these parts of ourselves are bound to surface. Which is why the honesty and compassion found in our relationships will continuously remind us to re-embody elements of service when we realise we are being self-serving.

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