
You choosing you over the long-term

So you have established integrity, began making commitments that you uphold consistently and as a consequence you are organically beginning to build discipline.

Discipline acts as a roof over our home, in this metaphor, and keeps the rain from pouring in. It prevents other things from getting ruined. Like breaching on your own self-trust and what helps you maintain your integrity, commitment and consistency.

It's you choosing you over the long term over giving in to short term allures which feels good right? But also simultaneously a little uncomfortable, at least in the beginning.

So we have to learn to be able to disappoint others to be true to ourselves and true to our commitments. Discipline does that. It enables us to honour what we committed to our self first and foremost and helps us instil and fill our own cup. Because when we have our own discipline, its much easier to say no to things we may have accidentally said yes to in the past, which usually ends up with us disappointing others by overextending ourselves.

Discipline protects you from distractions, and abandoning yourself and your needs. In order to fill your own cup up and later be able to give.

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