Primal Gathering

Leaving people and places better than how they were found

What is Primal Gathering?

Primal Gathering is an environmentally, socially and psychologically regenerative project empowering people with tools to be self-sustainable in their day to day lives. People come together to learn various restorative practices, such as mindfulness and communication skills, to integrate into their day-to-day lives whilst regenerating and reforesting land. Join our next one on November 17-20th in Lagos Portugal, here.

What is our mission? Our mission is to restore people, forests, and ecosystems all over the world.

What is our purpose? To leave both people and places better than how we found them

How do we work? We teach tools for change. We work with local landowners to understand their needs, and create an educational gathering format where people simultaneously learn and practice holistic skills to integrate into their day-to-day lives whilst regenerating the land. These skills range from mindfulness, nutrition, communication practices all the way to permaculture, natural building and reforestation.

We work with both people and businesses. We do this to support a necessary regenerative cultural shift towards integrating a more human approach to organisational work culture, and to foster a culture of belonging throughout society, irrespective of socio-economic status.

What's our Philosophy?

It is our belief that the path to making a monumental positive difference to the environmental world comes from our capacity to change our individual behaviours. Our gatherings are a space to practice and embody regenerative tools and principles so we can support the development of a regenerative culture, starting inside-out. Primal Gathering moves us from thinking about making a change, to taking collective action and maintaining that change with the support of practical tools and community. We believe everything in life is a practice. This is because co-existing and co-creating in a movement/community environment generally means to a large extent unlearning rather individualistic, transactional, and competitive programmes embedded within our programming. Requiring us to be cooperative in ways that may not always feel so natural to us. So we have to constantly practice the values we wish to embody, so we can better hold the space for that within the context of our gatherings.

What virtues do we practice as a movement, as a gathering? Honesty Compassion Vision Building Integrity Consistency Commitment Discipline Self-Initiation Selfless Service Love Service as a Philosophy The philosophy of service is core and weaved into the fabric of the gathering with one question guiding the creation of each event.

How can we nurture ourselves while giving back to our local communities?

Primal Gathering is a holistic space to learn 'How to be Human'. Learning principles around the core topics:

  • Mindfulness

  • Nutrition

  • Communication

  • Creativity

  • Regeneration

  • Love and Intimacy

Regeneration As a Culture

We believe through practice living as a community and embodying regenerative principles, we can develop a regenerative culture.

We do this through education, connection, and aligning with nature’s natural seasons. From the food we eat, the natural moon cycles. Everything feeds into each other.

We also incorporate this in our approach by enquiring into what our local land's needs are. These needs vary from wanting to revive their soil fertility and have us plant trees, to helping them start a permaculture project by planting fruit and vegetables or needing a naturally built raised bed out of cob. After doing this, we then set out to create a program that intertwines fulfilling their goals with socially and psychologically regenerative practices. This combination educates and empowers our attendees to be self-sustainable in their day-to-day lives.

It is our belief that changing the world first starts with changing yourself, and what we need is to develop a regenerative culture, first with ourselves, then with our relationships and as a consequence of going this also with the natural world.

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