
Reality is a delayed reaction to what’s in our consciousness

Now that you have gotten incredibly honest with yourself, been able to be vulnerable and uncomfortably honest with others and cultivated some self-compassion for the edges that come with that amount of transparency, you are ready to 'get real'. This means brutally honest about what you want, so you can build a vision authentic to who you are.

Because reality is a delayed reaction to what’s in our consciousness

We first need to unravel and untangle the bullshit stories that prevent us from being honest with ourselves about who we really are, and what it is we really want. And once we’ve created space, we can allow ourselves to dream because those dreams are actually possible.

If we are not clear about what we want for our lives, we run the risk of our lives being taken by the current of the water, instead of rowing the boat in the direction of our dreams. This can lead to a build up of resentment within ourselves by agreeing for example to living circumstances that do not fulfil our needs or in resonance and become frustrated as we are not sure why.

In the context of communities, we might have different ideas of what we think of the same things. For example with Primal Gathering, I might have one clear vision of the project whereby we inspire all events to become regenerative in the future, and Irene and I might work on the same project together, but she could have a completely different vision for its future. For example seeing it as a space and place to spread a sense of locality, and ensure there is little international influence. That's why in community its extra important for each member of the community to express their own individual vision for the space they coinhabit and then seeing where there is overlaps between each others visions.

This helps members identify and know where people are, and have a greater sense of individuals visions of the space and towards what it's becoming is. When we co-inhabit spaces with others we can see the commonalities between our visions as a community once openly vocalised. And honestly share with one another the compromises we are willing to take, and put together a realistic plan towards building the elements we all want to work towards. It also helps us stay accountable. We know what we want, and we know who we have to be to get what we want, then know what additional help and support we need to get what we want. And here we can turn to the community.

This also helps people acknowledge where they can not compromise. For example, I know that I need arts and culture in the spaces I co-inhabit, and if I were to live in Tamera, a community I have deep respect and admiration for for example, I personally wouldn't survive. Mainly because the importance and priority I give the music and arts isn't represented in their co-inhabiting norms nor incentivised in a way that is integral to my own personal wellbeing.

Just knowing and having that clarity makes all the difference.

To practice getting clear on your vision, for your day, week, career, life or relationship I recommend using 'The Clear Set up' approach, an amazing exercise that I was introduced to by Simon Blackhall.

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